Image LibraryOpportunistic Infections

for Health Care Providers

Staphylococci and Streptococci

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Pneumococcal pneumonia: bacteremic, with Pneumocystis jiroveci (formerly carinii )

image of 
                    Pneumococcal pneumonia: bacteremic, with
                    Pneumocystis jiroveci

image of Pneumococcal pneumonia: bacteremic with worsening bilateral heterogenous infiltrates


Figure 1: Chest radiograph of an HIV-infected patient with bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia showing right middle lobe consolidation.

Figure 2: Repeat chest radiograph 8 days later when the patient developed worsening shortness of breath and hypoxemia. The film shows worsening bilateral heterogenous infiltrates due to Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia.


Charles L. Daley, MD, University of California San Francisco