for Veterans and the Public

Monitor your health

Once you have been diagnosed with HIV, you need to pay close attention to your health.

You can keep track of your health in two ways. First, have regular lab tests done. Lab tests can often show signs of illness before you have any noticeable symptoms.

Second, listen to what your body is telling you, and be on the alert for signs that something isn't right. Note any change in your health--good or bad. And don't be afraid to call your provider.

Have regular lab tests

Your provider will use laboratory tests to check your health. Some of these tests will be done soon after you learn you have HIV.

The lab tests look at several things:

  • how well your immune system is functioning
  • how well your medications are controlling the HIV
  • certain basic body functions (tests look at your kidneys, liver, cholesterol, and blood cells)
  • whether you have other diseases that are associated with HIV

For your first few provider visits, be prepared to have a lot of blood drawn. Don't worry, you are not going to have so much blood drawn at every appointment.

For information on specific tests, go to the Understanding Laboratory Tests page in this section.