for Veterans and the Public

Herpes simplex virus

Herpes simplex is common in many people, but in people with HIV outbreaks may be more frequent or more severe. Symptoms include outbreaks of red, painful sores on the mouth ("fever blisters"), genitals, or anal area. Genital herpes is passed through sexual contact. Herpes on the mouth is easily spread through kissing, and it can be spread to the genitals through oral sex. Although less common, the virus can be spread even if you don't have blisters. Using latex barrier protection during sex can decrease the risk of infection.

Drugs are available to help herpes blisters heal, but there's no cure. Outbreaks may occur periodically for the rest of your life. Taking an anti-herpes medication every day can help reduce the number of outbreaks.

For more information on herpes, call the National Herpes Hotline at 919-361-8488.