for Veterans and the Public

Talking to your health care provider

Your provider or other members of your health care team may ask you about your sexual practices each time you go in for a checkup. It may feel embarrassing at first to be honest and open. But they are trying to help you stay healthy.

Your VA provider and staff will still give you care if you have had sex with someone of the same sex or someone other than your spouse. VA is not there to judge you. It's OK to tell your providers the truth. It will not affect your medical benefits. It will help your health care team take better care of you.

Make sure you set aside time to ask questions about safer sex, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), or any other questions you might have. If you feel that you need help dealing with your feelings, ask about support groups or counseling.

Many people living with HIV ask their provider to talk with them and their partners about HIV and how it is transmitted. They can answer technical questions and address the specifics of your situation. If you live with someone, they may have questions about everyday contact as well as sexual contact.